This is a delta trike with a sail.

The Whike is a recumbent trike with under seat steering firstly. But with minimal effort it becomes a sailing bike aka a land yacht.

The sail is equivalent to a kids windsurfer sail and is super light and easy to setup.

as a trike it has larger tires, so good for light offroading, unlike many setup for mainly road biking.

Solid rear rack for luggage along with wind assist makes it appealing for longer rides. A definitely unique bike.

The Whike is a recumbent trike with sail assistance. It was invented and built in the Netherlands, which is perhaps not surprising. It’s ideal for flat, open, windy country with proper bike lanes. The bike itself is a nicely-built recumbent trike, with a long wheelbase to give stability, and an adjustable seat, so you can be fairly prone or more sat up, which I prefer. The mast and sail are very easy to set up, but you can also use the Whike without the sail. The steering is well positioned, with brakes and gears all easily controlled, even when one hand is grasping the rope that tensions the sail. The three disc brakes stop you fast. The very stout rear rack can carry an expedition load; Whikes have been used to traverse the Taklamakan desert! I’ve had fun with this machine but it is now getting very little use so I’ve decided to sell it on. The main picture was taken last year so you can see it is in good condition. I’ll add more pictures shortly. I’ll deliver within 50 miles of Oxford for the buy me know price.

MODEL: Whike

WEIGHT: 23kg (inc mast, ropes & sails)

FRAME & FORK: Rigid chrome-moly steel frame

WHEELS: Remerx Grand Hill rims, custom Whike hubs, SS spokes

DRIVETRAIN: 63-52 custom Whike chainrings, Shimano HG50 11-32 cassette, KMC 9000 chain


STEERING & SEATING: Custom Whike steering, Rainbow Recumbents seat

EQUIPMENT: 1.6m2 and 1.0m2 battened mylar windsurfer sails. (Sail controlled by automatic brake-actuated Spinlock marine cleat. Two-piece carbon mast can easily by collapsed and stowed on the Whike.) Heavy duty rack