This part of the site is dedicated to recumbent bicycles, in other words two wheelers that you ride sitting/lying backwards.

Types of recumbent bicycles:

  • Underseat Steering
    This type of bike has the handle bars under the seat. This means your arms are by your sides which is really comfortable and means little pressure/strain on shoulders. It definitely takes some getting used to compared to a traditional bicycle.
  • Overseat Steering
    This is more like (or is entirely) like a traditional bicycle steering setup. But there are alternatives, like tiller steering (really common in velomobiles) and “Open Cockpit”.
  • Short/Long wheel base
    Some recumbents have the front wheel as far forward as possible (Linear Limo for example), typically with the pedals behind the front wheel. These are you “long wheel base recumbents”. Short wheel base recumbents (like my old Velocita) have the pedals furthest forward and the front wheel behind that.
    There are pros and cons to both arrangement.

There are road bikes, racing bikes, mountain bikes, touring bikes and more.

More info to follow 🙂