This recumbent bicycle is, as you can see, a bicycle built for two.

Compared to a standard tandem, it’s harder to get used too. Starts are trickier. Despite the length it feels “twitchy” like a short wheel base (SWB) recumbent.

That said, once you are rolling, this is a wonderful ride. Chatting is effortless and when you tire the second person’s efforts are felt immediately.

Unlike experiences riding an upright/standard tandem bike, you get off this one feeling good. No sore butt, no tired arms or sore palms.

Rather than adjustable boom (moving pedals back and forward), like most recumbent; on this bike the seats move. This means adjusting for different riders never means changing the chain length.

Along with standard brakes, the rear rider has a “drag brake” also.

The front rider has the tiller steering. Rear rider only has handles at hip height. Pedals at the front are higher for the front rider, lower for rear.

We are contemplating if putting more common handlebars in front of the rear rider might decrease fear factor and give some positional flexibility.

We are considering this as the vehicle for a tour of Southern Spain (Granada).

At approximately the same length as a Velomobile (2.5M), transporting it is a challenge of you don’t own a van.